Dec 08, 2022

The Importance of Code Reviews

Effective and accurate code developers, not unlike writers or other professionals, know the importance of having their work reviewed by a peer. No matter how much they excel at what they do, a code review will catch any "typos" or little mistakes made that may otherwise be overlooked.

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Oct 25, 2022

What’s the Difference Between Product Manager and Product Owner?

With so many job titles bandied about these days - tech evangelist, brand warrior, code ninja - it can be difficult to tell what’s a ‘real job’ and what’s simply another name for a job that already exists. Product Manager and Product Owner are two job titles that sound very similar, yet have unique differences.

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Sep 25, 2022

Using Technology to Increase Sales and Build Relationships

Even if your business has virtually zero to do with technology, implementing a little tech-innovation into your business can work wonders by boosting your overall sales and making your customers happier.

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Aug 15, 2022

How to get user Feedback for your App

When businesses develop new apps they usually struggle to get valid and qualitative feedback from users. Many companies battle with searching for people that will provide honest thoughts on the mobile and web apps they have created.

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Jul 03, 2022

Tips for Optimizing your Website for Mobile Users

People simply can’t get enough of their mobile devices these days. Most individuals check their smartphones several times a day, sometimes compulsively. We sleep with them by our night table, and then turn them on as soon as we wake up. The mobile epidemic is evident across the globe.

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May 24, 2022

What is Software Maintenance?

In this article, we’ll break down the types of software maintenance, how long they take, and how much it will cost overall.

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